Transition from Grassroots Club to Pre-Academy – A Parent’s Guide
There is very little information available to parents on how to manage their expectations when moving from a grassroots club to pre-academy but more importantly, there is not much guidance given to parents on how to help their kids enjoy their journey.
As a consequence many parents make countless mistakes, unintentionally disrupting their child’s enjoyment and development in the game.
When a child enters a football academy an innocence is lost. From changing their kit in the car before playing on muddy unkempt fields to concrete superstructure’s emblazoned with club crest aside carpet like pitches stretching into the distance.
This transition can be incredibly daunting for parent and child alike, and it is the parents who have the ultimate responsibility in helping their child enjoy rather than endure the experience.
During the first few weeks a parent must be vigilant, look for any changes in your child’s behaviour which may indicate they aren’t coping well with the experience. Many children thrive in academies, but there are also those for whom it can be a little too much.
For those who don’t know, academies generally begin recruiting age 4 or 5 years old believe it or not. This usually involves a training session once a week and requires no further commitment.
Until under 9, your child can train at any club who invites him, and this sometimes sees parents taking their child to a different club almost every night. I have heard stories of parents travelling 250 miles a week with their child which I personally believe is ludicrous, but it is so easy to get swept along.
I would say 2 clubs is enough and remember your child will still be with his local side at this stage. Give your child the chance to be a kid, to ride a bike, go swimming, play with friends etc. And give yourself some time out, don’t neglect your family, be something other than a football parent.
Inevitably the clubs will begin their ‘thinning out’ process, and this can be an incredibly traumatic time for a young child. If your child is not selected don’t chastise them and be critical of their efforts, your child needs you, they need love and understanding, be there for them.
If your child is selected for the squad both you and them will be asked to enter into a contractual agreement. It is at this stage that all other football must cease, including playing with the local team.
Congratulate your child of course but at the same time do not get carried away, just 0.01% of boys at this stage will make it to the top. Learn to manage your expectations and help your child progress with well-placed praise without being overly critical.
Remember these are children, they will make mistakes and mistakes are an important part of the learning process.