
How to maximise your time between football jobs

How to maximise your time between football jobs

Unemployment can be a challenging and often stressful time for many individuals. It can be difficult to stay positive and motivated when faced with the uncertainty of job searching. However, it’s essential to remember that downtime between football related job searches can be an opportunity to focus on personal and professional growth. Maximising your time during unemployment can help you stay productive, motivated, and improve your chances of landing your next job.

In this article, we will discuss six ways to make the most of your time during unemployment to help promote both your emotional and professional well-being.

You should take time before rushing into a job search after a layoff

Individual circumstances and requirements during periods of unemployment can vary significantly. However, if circumstances permit, it is highly recommended by Darren Melia, Co Founder at Jobs4football, to take some time for oneself after experiencing a layoff.

According to Darren, “Aggressively pursuing job opportunities immediately after being laid off can lead to burnout. Moreover, it may prevent an individual from decompressing after a traumatic event, which could result in accepting job offers that do not align with one’s long-term goals and values.”

Activities such as traveling, spending time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, and exploring nature can provide a sense of pleasure and help individuals deal with the shock of being laid off. It is essential to focus on things that bring joy and relaxation during the first few weeks because remember how intense and time consuming the football industry is.

This way, when a suitable job opportunity arises, an individual is well-rested, mentally prepared, and able to put their best foot forward during the interview process.

Set goals step by step which are achievable 

To avoid burnout during the job search process, it is advisable to set small and manageable goals every week. These goals should not be solely job-related, and should  include personal objectives as well.

Darren Melia suggests creating daily or weekly goals that help create momentum, such as applying to ten jobs by the end of the week or scheduling two informational interviews by the end of the day. It is crucial to note that these objectives should not be too dependent on external factors, so goals such as “securing two interviews this week” may not be feasible. Be realistic, dont be critical and remember networking is a key part of any job search so dont devalue the work that goes into it.

After completing daily or weekly professional goals, Darren emphasizes the importance of dedicating time to activities that bring joy and happiness. He proactively encourages individuals not to feel guilty for enjoying their personal time during the job search period and to do things that may not be possible while working, such as watching Netflix or visiting the gym.

Incorporating such enjoyable activities into a regular routine can help maintain a healthy work-life balance and improve emotional well-being while searching for employment. So important!!!

Never stop networking. Your network is your net worth

Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process that should not be overlooked especially in the small world that is the football industry. Sometimes within this industry, it is not what you know but who you know.

While searching for a new job, it is essential to connect with people from different clubs, associations, countries, job roles, particularly weak connections or acquaintances who can offer bridges to new opportunities. You never know who can open the door to that next opportunity.

Utilizing social networking sites can be a powerful tool for connecting with people working in the industry, to make that first point of contact and even look to arrange face to face meeting or just understand what opportunities are open or coming to the market in the near future. Acquiring knowledge about a company or job can assist in making informed decisions during the job search process.

Darren Melia recommends seeking referrals to a company, which is considered the ultimate job search hack. Referrals can set an applicant apart from other job seekers and potentially lead to a phone screening or interview with the company. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a network of professional contacts as they can make a significant difference in one’s job search. Linkedin is a fantastic tool to network within the football industry. If the platform is used to its potential it can put you one click away from key decision makers within football all over the word. Jobs4football  specialise inLinkedin upskilling for more information please click on the link:

In conclusion, building and maintaining professional relationships can be beneficial for the job search process. Therefore, it is essential to network and connect with a wide range of individuals to access new opportunities and make informed decisions during the job search process

Stay active within the football industry 

When you’re unemployed, it often feels like your career is moving backward, so it’s important to find things that help feel like you’re still taking positive steps forward. Making a concentrated effort to continue learning during your downtime will help you feel productive both personally and professionally. Upskilling can be a great way of opening more doors in current or new areas of football.

“Consider taking an online course, doing personal projects, or reading books/articles related to your industry niche,” Darren suggested. “Showing how you’ve remained active in your industry while between jobs can also help set you apart once you land an interview. Get to games when possible, watch games on line and keep up to date with the latest news”

Beyond online courses, you can also look into volunteer work with local clubs or freelancing to supplement your income while you’re unemployed.

Considering a career flip, focus on a personal rebrand

In light of certain levels and job roles within football experiencing more layoffs than others, particularly those that over-hired in the earlier years of the pandemic, some job seekers may consider transitioning to a new field or industry that offers more stability.

With this in mind, Darren suggests the following steps:

Begin by reflecting on your skills, core values, and interests. Determine if the new field or industry you are exploring aligns with your priorities and focus on fast growing industries.

Next, connect with individuals in the industries you are considering and set up talks to gain further real life information. Social networks like LinkedIn allow you to send a short message along with your connection request. Briefly explain that you would like to connect to potentially learn more about the industry as you are looking to change career paths. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as you can.

Once you have identified the new field or industry you are transitioning into, rebranding yourself is important. Tailor your resume, cover letter, and social networking profiles to the industry you are pursuing. Highlight your transferable skills and gather references. If you notice skill or knowledge gaps while rebranding, consider taking online courses or securing volunteer opportunities within the industry to gain experience.

“Transitioning may seem overwhelming, but people successfully change careers all the time,” Darren states.

It is so important to be patient and take things one step at a time. Also, be open to learning and gaining new experiences along the way

Invest in self development not just the job search

It’s important to remember that your identity is not solely defined by your profession. While you’re not currently working a 9-to-5, take some time to reflect on your personal and professional aspirations. Ask yourself if you’re happy with your current location, how you spend your free time, and if there’s anything you’ve always wanted to pursue but haven’t had the opportunity to do so.

According to Darren a layoff can be a chance for self-reflection and re-evaluation. Use this time to explore what you truly want out of life.

As you search for new job opportunities, don’t hesitate to set boundaries around what you’re willing to accept. Look for positions that align with your values and support a work-life balance. Your ideal life is within reach, so don’t be afraid to pursue it.

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